IT系のネタ中心 チャレンジしたことやつまづいたことを載せたいと思います このブログのコンセプトは"ハッキングの為なら愛する家族を傷つけることをいとわない" ハッカー(ホワイト)を目指しているとっとこ駆け出しエンジニアです
$ cat /etc/shells # List of acceptable shells for chpass(1). # Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using # one of these shells. /bin/bash /bin/csh /bin/ksh /bin/sh /bin/tcsh /bin/zsh
$ chsh -s /bin/zsh
% echo $SHELL /bin/zsh
###################################### # prompt ####################################### # %~ => ~current directory # %n => usernaem %m => hostname %# => usertype(#=root, %=normal) SUCCESS="^_^" FAIL="ToT" PROMPT="" PROMPT+="%(?.${fg[cyan]}$SUCCESS.${fg[red]}$FAIL) " PROMPT+="%{${fg[green]}%}%~%{${reset_color}%} [%n@%m] %# " PROMPT2='[%n]> '
###################################### # color ###################################### autoload -U colors; colors export CLICOLOR=true
###################################### # complete ###################################### autoload -U compinit; compinit # complete after = --prefix=/usr => --prefix=[Tab] setopt magic_equal_subst # candidate pack setopt list_packed
###################################### # history ###################################### HISTFILE="$HOME/.zsh_history" # memory save num HISTSIZE=10000 # HISTFILE save num SAVEHIST=10000 # command of history duplication ignore setopt hist_ignore_all_dups # command of [Space]command ignore setopt hist_ignore_space # start to end timestanp setopt extended_history # other shell history share setopt share_history # reduce blanks ls -l => ls -l setopt hist_reduce_blanks
###################################### # directory ###################################### # cd /home => /home cd ../ => .. setopt auto_cd # dirctory of stack push cd -[Tab] setopt auto_pushd # directory of stack duplication ignore setopt pushd_ignore_dups
###################################### # other ###################################### # vim like bindkey -v bindkey 'jj' vi-cmd-mode # back ground job state notice setopt notify setopt no_beep # command spell correct setopt correct
##################################### # char set ##################################### export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 ###################################### # prompt ####################################### # %~ => ~current directory # %n => usernaem %m => hostname %# => usertype(#=root, %=normal) SUCCESS="^_^" FAIL="ToT" PROMPT="" PROMPT+="%(?.${fg[cyan]}$SUCCESS.${fg[red]}$FAIL) " PROMPT+="%{${fg[green]}%}%~%{${reset_color}%} [%n@%m] %# " PROMPT2='[%n]> ' ###################################### # color ###################################### autoload -U colors; colors export CLICOLOR=true ###################################### # complete ###################################### autoload -U compinit; compinit # complete after = --prefix=/usr => --prefix=[Tab] setopt magic_equal_subst # candidate pack setopt list_packed ###################################### # history ###################################### HISTFILE="$HOME/.zsh_history" # memory save num HISTSIZE=10000 # HISTFILE save num SAVEHIST=10000 # command of history duplication ignore setopt hist_ignore_all_dups # command of [Space]command ignore setopt hist_ignore_space # start to end timestanp setopt extended_history # other shell history share setopt share_history # reduce blanks ls -l => ls -l setopt hist_reduce_blanks ###################################### # directory ###################################### # cd /home => /home cd ../ => .. setopt auto_cd # dirctory of stack push cd -[Tab] setopt auto_pushd # directory of stack duplication ignore setopt pushd_ignore_dups ###################################### # other ###################################### # vim like bindkey -v bindkey 'jj' vi-cmd-mode # back ground job state notice setopt notify setopt no_beep # command spell correct setopt correct
zshの本 (エッセンシャルソフトウェアガイドブック)
新品価格¥3,456から(2014/6/26 00:18時点)
新品価格¥2,592から(2014/6/26 00:19時点)
実践Vim 思考のスピードで編集しよう!
新品価格¥3,024から(2014/6/26 00:19時点)
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